Looking to the future or running from the past?

Do you want someone who married you because you were a better option than the horrible life they were living and the hopeless future they faced?

Or because the very best day of their awesome life wasn’t good enough because it didn’t include you?

Which would the one you’re with say about you?

If either of a couple answers closer to the first than the second, there are some serious potential hazards coming down the road.  When the going gets tough, this question is going to go through the mind like a flashing billboard ad.

But, when the first is true, it’s the hardest to realize and face the reality, hardest to not run from the only better option available.  But, if there is something really there between the two, both should look to make the life of the other awesome first, and in so doing, both will figure out if the second is more than wishful thinking.

People find it hard because if it turns out that a serious relationship doesn’t develop, they feel as if they’ve wasted their time.  Not so!  They’ve altered their life, presumably for the better, and they leave each other better off for the work of it, and better able to identify, pursue and attract what really is best for them.

It’s what all of the romantic movies are about, right?  Couples who realize they can’t live without the other.  Remember, the movie has a time limit… real life doesn’t.  Except that before long, you really know.  You took the courage to pursue, so if you find out it’s not this one, then both of you leave the other better off for it.  And don’t give all of yourself until you know!  You will leave more behind than you’ll be ok with later!

Now you’re in a better place to keep making your life amazing.  From there, see who is running toward the same goal with equal passion and joy. That’s where you’ll find the one who makes your future brighter, and whose future wouldn’t be as lovely without you.